Developer Documents > 2.06 Engine Blueprints > 3.1.9 Ease of Derailment
This value is used to calculate how easy it is for the locomotive to derail. The
parameter works by moving the centre of gravity up and down. The value (which
can be set between 0 and 1) translates into -2m to 2m, so setting the value to 0
moves the centre of gravity down 2m (which would make it impossible to tip over)
and 1 would move it up 2m making it very easy to derail.
Resumiendo, el valor 0 equivale a un centro de gravedad a -2m (por debajo del suelo) y 1 equivale a 2m, siendo entonces 0.5 equivalente a 0m (a ras de suelo).
He observado que varias locomotoras tienen este parámetro configurado a 0.437500 que entiendo que equivaldría a un centro de gravedad por debajo del suelo, lo cual no me parece coherente.
¿Alguna idea al respecto?